Welcome To The Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico

Welcome To The Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico
Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Vitamin C Day!!

Today marks the anniversary of the discovery of the antioxidant, Vitamin C.

During the late 1700s, British sailors discovered using lime juice prevented a common disease known as scurvy, which unbeknown to them was caused by a nutritional deficiency. Dr. Charles Glen King of the University of Pittsburgh and Albert Szent-Györgyi, a Hungarian physiologist who had won the Nobel Peace Prize in Physiology or Medicine, both worked in their respected countries on the project of isolating the key factor in such foods as lemons and limes that counteracted scurvy in the late 1920s. After years of work, Vitamin C was identified.

Vitamin C can be found in all citrus juices and in such vegetables as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts. Having a deficiency in this vitamin can cause serious health complications so, if you or your child are not too fond of Brussel sprouts or happen to be on the road, stop in to rest at the Hampton Inn. Catch up on some sleep and enjoy our complimentary breakfast in the morning, complete with orange juice and cantaloupe in our mixed fruit bowl- no Brussel sprouts included :)

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