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Welcome To The Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico
Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Piccadilly Circus- 2013

     A circus is coming! The Piccadilly Circus will be in Fredericksburg, VA during the third weekend of March. Take the family to this event and see what they have in store for you; all ages welcome.
 Piccadilly Circus
image courtesy of www.TheFunCircus.com
Join The Piccadilly Circus at:
Fredericksburg Fairgrounds
2400 Airport Ave
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Fr, March 15- 4:30pm & 7:30pm
Sat, March 16- 1:30pm, 4:30pm, & 7:30pm
Sun, March 17-1:00pm, 3:30pm, & 6:00pm
     You can purchase tickets in advance online, and with a promotion code you will receive a discount. If you have any questions, you can call 877-373-0477 or email fun@thefuncircus.com  

Thursday, February 21, 2013

National Hot Breakfast Month

     February is National Hot Breakfast Month! The options for hot meals out there are vast and you may even be able to have a different kind each morning. You can choose from types of prepared eggs, cooked meats, and much more.
     For this month, try going out for breakfast with your family. Go to a restaurant and have a hearty omelet or a stack of warm pancakes. You can have a side of eggs sunnyside up, or scrambled. Hash browns and bacon on the side make for a fine addition. Or, if you have time in the morning, you can wake up and cook a scrumptious breakfast of your own. Here's a recipe you can try out.
Buttermilk Pancakes, yum!
      Buttermilk Pancakes
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons white sugar
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/3 cup butter, melted
     Step 1:In large bowl, mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl, beat together buttermilk, milk, eggs and melted butter with whisk or equivalent. Keep two mixtures apart until ready to cook.
     Step 2:Heat lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. To test readiness, splash small droplets of water into pan. If they sizzle, you're ready to begin.
     Step 3: Combine wet and dry ingredients, and stir using a wooden spoon or fork to blend. Stir just enough, until blended together. Pour or scoop batter onto griddle, using approximately 1/2 cup for each pancake. Brown to preference on each side and serve hot! *Tip: You can tell a pancake is ready to flip when the edges become dry and small bubbles begin to form.
     Would you like more recipes? Of course you would! Take a look at some more hot breakfast recipes. You may want to try them all out.
     Even if you aren't a cook, you can surely take part in eating hot breakfast. Let's just say you don't have time for making breakfast, or you aren't interested in going out to a restaurant. You can have some on-the-go breakfast. There are some choice picks that may take just a minute or two to heat up. For starters, try out some of Jimmy Dean's Delights brand of breakfast meals, like their french toast griddler.
     Another place you can have some breakfast is at the hotel you are staying in when you travel. If you are interested in breakfast, do some research on what the hotel offers as sustenance. As a matter of fact, if you stay at a Hampton Inn, you can be treated to a nice hot breakfast of waffles, oatmeal, eggs, and sausage. Take a muffin too!  
     Enjoy a hot breakfast today, and for the rest of this month. After all, it is the most important meal of the day!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pets on the Go

Travel friendly pet     Some of you may be planning a trip, the type of trip that involves a certain four-legged friend. With these type of trips, it requires some extra planning to accommodate your furry buddy so that the experience is comfortable for the both of you.
     It is good to keep in mind that certain facilities accept pets while others do not. This may give the impression that you can't have access to places you prefer because of this, but not necessarily. Certain hotel chains possess facilities that are pet friendly depending on the area you are travelling to. Wile making your reservations, you can do a little research and inquire on the regulations for the hotel of your choice. You can call and simply ask them, or if you prefer to use the internet you can visit certain websites that offer pet-friendly hotel suggestions. 
     If the trip you are planning is for activities you can do with your companion, and you are in the Virginia area, you can look up certain parks where you can enjoy your time together. Some of these parks can also be indoors, in case the weather doesn't agree with your outdoor activities. Other activities include tours, runs, cycling, pet shows, and even pet spa days.
Dogs and cats can get along   

     Are you a first-time pet traveller? Here are a few pointers to help you get started.

  • Have travel food and water containers, and treats
  • Take you pet to the veterinarian for a checkup
  • Bring along some of your pet's favorite toys
  • Have a pet carrier, or crate
  • waste bags, litter trays or any equivalent
  • Extra leashes, collars
  • Wet wipes, spot cleaner
 These are just a few tips, but you can view more pet travel tips to make your experience an enjoyable one and you can be better prepared for any situation. With preparation, your pet will be happy on the trip, and you will be too!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Harlem Globetrotters-2013

     Get ready to enjoy some entertaining basketball when the Harlem Globetrotters come to northern Virginia. During their 2013 tour they will be coming to Fairfax, VA and playing at the Patriot Center. The Patriot Center is located on the northern Virginia campus of the George Mason University.
Patriot Center, George Mason University
image courtesy of www.patriotcenter.com
4500 Patriot Circle
Fairfax, VA 22030

     Originally named the Savoy Big Five when created by Abe Saperstein in 1926, the Harlem Globetrotters have been touring for over 85 years and spreading joy to families with their tricks and vibrant energy.
Harlem GlobetrottersSaturday, March 2nd- 7:30pm
Sunday, March 3rd- 2:00pm
This won't be the only time the Harlem Globetrotters will be in Virginia, and if you are interested in learning more about their schedule, you can visit the Harlem Globetrotters website.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!!

     Love is in the air! Are you enjoying this designated day of love? You may be one of the many people who have put off planning something with your special someone. It isn't uncommon to be a procrastinator when it comes to getting things done. Don't despair, some things can be done last minute with very little preparation! 
Cookie letters inside hand-drawn heart.
     If you are the type who enjoys creating crafts, you can easily make your significant other a personal gift. You can make your very own cards, floral arrangements, or even some delicious chocolate covered strawberries. In a matter of minutes you can have a heartfelt gesture without having to plan months in advance. Take a look at some Last Minute ideas from Martha Stewart. If you aren't into making your own gifts, you can decide to take a trip. Or, you can decide not to. Why not stay home this night? Have a movie night and watch something you both would enjoy. Set up some popcorn, or any treats and refreshments that are desired to set the mood. Do you need more ideas? Check out some date ideas, or make some of your own with a little inspiration.  
     Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a day you ignore because you are single. Why not take the opportunity to show yourself some love? Treat yourself to a day of recognition and appreciation. Be positive! You can spend time with friends or family. Buy yourself some treats, be it some actual sweets or some new shoes. Take a trip somewhere, and enjoy yourself!
     Hopefully, these ideas will give you the incentive to take time to appreciate those you love, including yourself!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Winter Wonders, Winter Worries

    It's the winter season, and imperative that one prepares for the possibility of inclement weather. Over the next few days, winter storm named "Nemo" will be threatening the well being of over 1 million people. Reports of high levels of snow in the northeastern region of the United States have forced residents to take precautions. Meteorologists fear this storm may have a substantial impact as deep as the winter storm of 1978, also during the month of February. Travel in the potentially affected areas is ill-advised and it is strongly recommended that citizens remain indoors. If travel is a must, it is suggested to utilize public transportation, but this may not be a safe alternative if the use of this type of transportation is interrupted or even delayed. You can watch the local news, The Weather Channel, or you can visit the website www.weather.com and type your location in the search panel for updates on the winter storm "Nemo".
1978 Northeastern Blizzard    With the storm in progress, a blizzard warning is in effect for certain areas. There are ways to prepare for the coming storm. Certain supplies can provide comfort and assistance to braving the cold weather:
  • Snow shovels
  • Sufficient clothing and blankets
  • Ice melting products, and sand
  • Emergency kit stocked with supplies
  • Canned food and water
    During the storm, there are certain measures to be taken to maintain a safe environment as well:
  • Stay inside
  • Stay as dry as possible
  • Minimize travelling and, if absolutely necessary, travel by day
  • If you have to shovel snow, stretch beforehand to avoid harming yourself and try to work within your limits, so don't over do it

    For more tips on how to prepare for the winter storm, visit http://www.ready.gov/winter-weather.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

International Gem and Jewelry Show

    During the third weekend of February, the International Gem and Jewelry(InterGem) Show will be hosting a display of their costume and fine jewelry at the Dulles EXPO Center.
 Image of beautiful gems and stones
image courtesy of www.intergem.com
    Established in 1967, InterGem has been providing showcases and events to the public for more than 45 years. With over 100 shows annually, InterGem produces exhibitors to showcase a wide variety of jewelry. If you are a person who loves jewelry, or you know someone who does, this would be a perfect opportunity to explore the different choices. The InterGem Show is a three day event.
Friday, February 15th: 12pm - 6pm
Saturday, February 16th: 10am - 6pm
Sunday, February 17th: 11am - 5pm 
    Tickets can be purchased upon entering, or in advance. The price is valid for the entire event. Military receives free admission. *Children age 8 and under are prohibited*
    Dulles EXPO Center is located just south of the Dulles International Airport, possessing a 100,000 square foot facility and offering over one thousand free parking spaces.
Dulles EXPO Center south hall
image courtesy of www.dullesexpo.com
Dulles EXPO Center
4320 Chantilly Shopping Center
Chantilly, Virginia 20151
Phone: 703.378.0910
Fax: 703.378.2080

    For more information on this event, others, or if you are interested in learning more about the Dulles EXPO Center, visit their website at www.dullesexpo.com.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Outdoor Fun? Visit a Park

    Experiencing nature is something one can do anytime of the year. One particular way to become "one with nature" is by visiting a park. It can be a local park or a national park. If you are interested in visiting a national park, one in particular can provide you with hiking journeys and camping opportunities. The Shenandoah National Park in Virginia is open all year round, even if all of the facilities inside are not. Despite the fact that it is February, anyone can visit the Shenandoah National Park and find something to enjoy. 
   A beautiful view of Shenandoah National Park
    Shenandoah National Park is located less than 80 miles from Washington D.C. and is full of wondrous scenery and creatures. If you are the kind of person who enjoys being outdoors, you can plan hikes, and camping during this time of year. With around 200,000 acres of land, the park is home to birds and even reptiles such as the Shenandoah Salamander.
    It may seem like visiting a park when it isn't warm out wouldn't be an enjoyable experience, but fear not. The weather can be enjoyed by anyone who wants to take part in experiencing nature. If you are going to visit the park during the cold weather, be sure to dress accordingly and pack necessities for your trip. There may be some aspects of the park that are only available during certain warmer months, but this doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the park in all its beauty. To see more parks that should be visited for wonderful views, you can see a slide show about National Park Views Not to Be Missed
  A scenic winter view with Old Rag Mountain in the background and trees and foothills in the foreground.
images courtesy of www.nps.gov

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Black History Month- 2013

    In the month of February, Black History is celebrated nationwide. Those who contributed to creating milestones in African American history are honored through festivals, tours, workshops, performances and much more. Celebrating history during this month provides opportunity to learn something new and possibly even discover one's heritage. If you decide to take a trip to the Washington D.C. area during this month, you can attend any of the events that are taking place. You would have access to learn history right in our nation's capital. Resources at your very disposal will allow you to plan days full of history, and you can even plan for the whole family. If you are travelling with family, there are family oriented performances or tours that cater towards adults and children alike.
    The Smithsonian is featuring events during this month that people of all ages can attend. If you were to be in the Washington D.C. area on Sunday, February 3rd you may listen to a story about the late Rosa Parks, a civil rights activist.
Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks: Feb 4 1913- Oct 24 2005
image courtesy of  www.biography.com

    Born on February 4th, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama, Rosa Parks sparked a bus boycott throughout the city of Montgomery, AL when on December 1st, 1955 she refused to give up her seat to a white passenger when there were no longer any available. If she were alive today, she would have been celebrating her 100th birthday this upcoming Monday.
To learn more about the reading and other events taking place, view the calendar of events for the Smithsonian Heritage Month.