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Welcome To The Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico
Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day- 2013

     Happy Earth Day folks! Earth day was founded in 1970 on April 22nd by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson. In an effort to raise awareness on air and water pollution, he convinced Republican Congressman Peter McClowskey to assist. They were later joined by Denis Hayes to be the national coordinator. Thus established the history of continued efforts to show consideration for the planet.  
     Even before Earth Day was founded, people were taking steps to preserve the planet on which we dwell. In this present day many people take part in giving back to Earth, any way they can.
     How much do you know about Earth?

     It isn't too late to contribute to the movement. There are things one can do to be a part of conservation, and the effort is minimal at that! You can do things such as recycling, using energy efficient light bulbs, paperless billing, hang drying your clothes, or just turning off the water faucet while you brush your teeth! What will you do today?

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