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Welcome To The Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico
Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico

Friday, January 21, 2011

National Hug Day!

It has been said that a hug a day keeps the blues away...it gives you energy and an emotional boost. Even just one twenty second hug can make a profound difference in your mood.

National Hug Day (aka Hug Day, World Hug Day, Send-A Hug Day) was founded on January 21, 1986 as a day to spread the warmth and joy of a hug to those you love and for any others you come across...you never know who might be needing one :)

Celebrate today by giving hugs to everyone you come in contact with. You'll love the warm feeling you get. Below are links for more information about Hug Day and also some helpful hugging tips.

Hug O' War
By Shel Silverstein

About Hug Day

Different Types of Hugs & Hug Etiquette

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