Welcome To The Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico

Welcome To The Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico
Hampton Inn Dumfries/Quantico

Monday, January 24, 2011

On Keeping Warm...

For all staying in the NoVA area, you might have noticed it's been just a little bit colder than usual...well, a lot colder. The average low for January in VA is 26°F. However, for the remainder of the month, the temperature is expected to remain in the low 20s. This upcoming week, it is expected that the storm which has been raging in the South will head up the East coast. Here are some helpful tips for keeping warm during the rough winter.

Dressing in Layers
  • First layer: a light weight material that does not trap sweat (e.g. wool, silk, man-made materials)
  • Second layer: a insulation layer that holds in the heat and keeps out the cold (soft wool sweater, a polar fleece top)
  • Outer layer: for going outside, to protect self from the elements (large coat, scarves, shawls)
Foods That Will Warm You From the Inside Out
  • Soups, casseroles, stews- cook at low temperature over long period of time, helps with energy costs and will help to warm the area (after cooking leave the oven open to release the excess heat into the area)
  • Foods high in protein to keep metabolism up
  • Spicy foods keep your body warm
  • Hot tea/coffee (warms body from the inside, keeps hands warms)
  • Cayenne pepper- can be used internally and externally (in powdered form can be dusted into shoes/mittens)
  • Ginger, cinnamon- increases circulation (ginger tea, cinnamon toast)
How to Warm Your Bed
  • Layer your blankets, using above method
  • Hot water bottle
  • Heated bag of rice, cooked potatoes
  • Hug pillows
  • Keeps blood moving, metabolism up
  • The more time spent outdoors, the faster the body will adjust and become acclimated to the weather
  • Clean- dusting, vacuuming
Other tips
  • Set fans to turn in reverse to push the warm air down.
  • Do laundry, put on clothes immediately after coming out of the dryer
  • If a draft is noticed, block with a towel
  • Wear thick socks, a cap to prevent heat loss
  • During the day, keep curtains open to let in the sunlight
  • At night, close curtains to keep out the cold.
  • While showering, do not use the fan- the humidity in the air is warm. After a bath, leave the water in tub to keep the heat
  • Candles produce heat
For more information, visit

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